Council Chambers of City Hall
1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC

We respectfully acknowledge the unceded ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh,
on whose land we live, work, and play.

The Council of the City of Prince George is honoured to bestow the Freedom of the City of Prince George upon Trelle Morrow for his distinguished and honourable service, hard work, and dedication to our community.


    That the agenda for the regular meeting of Council scheduled for November 20, 2023, BE ADOPTED.


    That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held October 30, 2023, BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at that meeting and fully and properly record all of the resolutions passed by Council at that meeting.


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated November 6, 2023, from the Director of Planning and Development, titled “Monthly Building Permit and Development Permit Summary (October 2023)”.


Presenter: Quentin Talbot-Kelly, Partner, Cornerstone Planning Group


    That Council AUTHORIZES Administration to submit a one-time enhancement not to exceed $75,000 for the Budget 2024 deliberations to conduct phase 2 of the Prince George Fire Training Site Feasibility Study in 2024, as described in the report titled “Fire Services Training Site Project Review”, dated November 7, 2023, from the Director of Public Safety.


    That Council SUPPORTS Administration to build a multi-year, multi-phase Fire Training center site plan to comply with the recommendations set forth in the ‘Prince George Fire Rescue Services (PGFRS) Standard of Cover 2022 – Midpoint Review’ for future Council consideration.


    That Council APPROVES the resolution attached as Appendix "A" to the report dated November 6, 2023 from the Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs titled “Resolution Regarding Advocacy on Mandatory Holocaust Education in British Columbia” to be submitted to the North Central Local Government Association.


    That Council DIRECTS Administration to share with School District No. 57 the resolution attached as Appendix A to the report dated November 6, 2023 from the Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs titled “Resolution regarding Advocacy on Mandatory Holocaust Education in British Columbia.” 


    That Council NOMINATES and APPOINTS one of its members to serve on the Prince George Public Library Board for a one-year term beginning December 1, 2023 and ending November 30, 2024.


    That Council AMENDS the 2023 Council Meeting Calendar by adding a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated November 8, 2023 from the Director of Civic Facilities and Events titled “Update – Legion Request for Remembrance Day”.


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated November 20, 2023 from the Director of Civic Facilities and Events titled “Arts Hall of Fame”.


    That Council APPROVES Administration to procure professional services to develop a Solid Waste Management Plan specific to the City of Prince George.


    That Council DIRECTS Administration to coordinate a presentation by Regional District of Fraser-Fort George staff to Mayor and Council to further expand on requirements for diverting recyclables/compostables.


    That Council APPROVES that the City of Prince George submit an application under the Canadian Heritage Celebrate Canada funding program for the 2024 Canada Day in the Park celebration; and AUTHORIZES the Director of Civic Operations to enter into any associated funding agreements.


Applicant: Core One Consulting Ltd. for Rogers Communications Inc.
Location: 3051 McGill Crescent


    That Council INSTRUCTS the Corporate Officer to advise Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in writing that:

    1. Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the City of Prince George;
    2. The City of Prince George is satisfied with Rogers public consultation process and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
    3. The City of Prince George concurs with Rogers proposal to construct a wireless communications facility provided it be constructed substantially in accordance with the plans submitted to the City of Prince George for a 32.0 m self-supported tower and ancillary equipment at 3051 McGill Crescent (Lot A, District Lot 753, Cariboo District, Plan 20275).

Applicant: Andrew Middleton for MPI Magnolia Properties Inc. Inc. No. A0128674
Location: 4321 Grouse Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Temporary Use Permit Application No. TU000086" include:

  • Staff report dated October 25, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Temporary Use Permit Application No. TU000086";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Temporary Use Permit No. TU000086; and
  • Supporting Document.

Correspondence for Council's consideration regarding "Temporary Use Permit Application No. TU000086" include:

  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 17, 2023 from Dennis Ableson in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 18, 2023 from Karla and Gowan Armstrong in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Loren Berg in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Matt Chechak in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 17, 2023 from Ralph and Tracy Chretien in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Bev Collier in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 16, 2023 from Ray Mycock and Brenda Daly in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 18, 2023 from Josh Derhousoff in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Brian Grosas and Jill Donnelly in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 16, 2023 from Tamara Fennell in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Peter Goudal in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 18, 2023 from Garnet Graham in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 15, 2023 from Carol Helland in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Eric Hillen in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 17, 2023 from Noel Hopper in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Kirstin Houghtaling in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 18, 2023 from Laura and Ivan Jagodnik in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Gordon Johnson in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Dan and Marie McInnes in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 16, 2023 from Debra and Dave McMinn in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 16, 2023 from Kathy Mercedes in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 16, 2023 from Dejan Pesic in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Dan Peters in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 18, 2023 from Jennifer Petrovic in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 17, 2023 from Geraldine Pettersen in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Jenny Plouffe in support to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Jas Raju in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 18, 2023 from Romas and Mary Elizabeth Ramanciauskas in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Tiffany Rebinsky in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Amy Reichenbach:Matijevic in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Jan Sevin in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 18, 2023 from Byron Silver in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Sheldon Slugoski in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 17, 2023 from Travis Smaaslet in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 17, 2023 from Travis Smaaslet in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 16, 2023 from Hubert Stephen in support to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Len and Sarah Stratton in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Daryl Tinney in opposition to the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 19, 2023 from Shirley Wilson and Paul Whaley in opposition to the application; and
  • Handout: Petition dated November 18, 2023 from in opposition to the application.

    That Council APPROVES Temporary Use Permit No. TU000086 for the property legally described as Lot 3, District Lot 1597, Cariboo District, Plan 25922.

Applicant: Burleigh Building Ltd. for Emily Olson Colourist Inc. Inc. No.BC1183494
Location: 1751 and 1753 6th Avenue

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100662" include:

  • Staff report dated October 25, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100662";
  • Development Variance Permit No. VP100662;
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Exhibit "A" to VP100662; and
  • Letter of Support and Associated Map.

    That Council APPROVES Development Variance Permit No. VP100662 to vary “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007” for the property legally described as Lots 7 and 8, Block 176, District Lot 343, Cariboo District, Plan 1268 as follows:

    1. Vary Section 10.7.5 8. by decreasing the minimum interior side yard setback of principal development from 1.2 m to 0.45 m, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100662.

Applicant: DIALOG for Northern Health Authority
Location: 1475 Edmonton Street

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100663" include:

  • Staff report dated November 1, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100663";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Development Variance Permit No. VP100663;
  • Exhibit "A" to VP100663;
  • Exhibit "B" to VP100663; and
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Rationale Letter; and
    • Shadow Study.

Correspondence for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100663" include:

  • Correspondence dated November 12, 2023 from D. Johnston noting concerns regarding the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated November 17, 2023 from Sunil Kanamala, Applicant, in response to the application; and
  • Correspondence dated November 20, 2023 from Tina MacLean with concerns to the application.

    That Council APPROVES Development Variance Permit No. VP100663 to vary “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007” for the property legally described Lot A, District Lot 343, Cariboo District, Plan EPP61360, Except Plan EPP61362, as follows:

    1. Vary Section 13.3.5 1. by increasing the maximum height from 15.0 m to 32.0 m, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100663; and
    2. Vary Section 13.3.5 3. by decreasing the minimum front yard setback from 6.0 m to 5.7 m, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100663. 

In accordance with City of Prince George Council Procedures Bylaw No. 8388, 2011, notice of the proposed motion is provided. The proposed motions will be included on the December 4, 2023 Council Meeting agenda for Council’s consideration.

  1. Information from Administration
  2. Presentation by Applicant
  3. Representations by Members of the Public (Gallery and Phone)
  4. Closure of Hearing
  5. Third Reading of Bylaw(s) (if appropriate)

Applicant: Canna Northwest Enterprise for Blanleil Cranbrook Holdings Ltd., Inc. No. BC0826729
Location: 2591 Vance Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100795 (Bylaw No. 9427)" include:

  • Previously submitted staff report dated September 20, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100795 (Bylaw No. 9427)" (Considered at the October 16, 2023 regular council meeting);
  • Location and Zoning Map;
  • Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9427; and
  • Supporting Document.

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9427, 2023


    That Council GIVES THIRD READING of “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9427, 2023”.


    That there being no further business the Regular Meeting of Council, BE ADJOURNED.

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