Council Chambers of City Hall
1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC

We respectfully acknowledge the unceded ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh,
on whose land we live, work, and play.


    That the agenda for the regular meeting of Council scheduled for October 16, 2023, BE ADOPTED.


    That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held September 25, 2023, BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at that meeting and fully and properly record all of the resolutions passed by Council at that meeting.

Presenters: Mark Zuberbuhler, Chief Executive Officer, and Wendy Brophy, Chief Services Officer
Topic: Community Living Month and an Overview of AiMHi Services


City of Prince George Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 9429, 2023


    That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS to the “City of Prince George Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 9429, 2023."


City of Prince George Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 8813, 2016, Amendment Bylaw No. 9430, 2023


    That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS to "City of Prince George Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 8813, 2016, Amendment Bylaw No. 9430, 2023."


    The Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated September 21, 2023 from the Director of Civic Operations titled “Localized Urban Green Space Management” and APPROVES expenditures of up to $60,000 from the City’s EVP Crown Land Forest account to fund localized tree and brush thinning projects in urban green space areas.


    That Council APPROVES Project # 3394 CN Centre Audio System Renewal be added to the 2023-2027 Financial Plan with a budget of $950,000 in the 2023 year, funded from the Northern Capital and Planning Reserve fund as detailed in the report dated September 28, 2023 from the Director of Civic Facilities & Events titled “CN Centre Audio Renewal”.


    That Council APPROVES a budget and scope amendment to Project # 3229– City Hall Transformer Replacement to allow a total cost of $1,200,000, that includes the addition of $890,000 funded from the Northern Capital and Planning Reserve, as described in the report dated September 28, 2023 from the Director of Civic Facilities & Events titled “Budget Amendment – City Hall Transformer Replacement”.


Applicant: Steven and Joyce Leach & Kevin Gunning and Tiffany Coffey
Location: Road dedication between 8160 and 8174 St. John Crescent

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Road Closure Application No. RCL00024 and Road Closure Application No. RCL00025 (Bylaw No. 9428, 2023)" include:

  • Previously submitted staff report dated August 7, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Road Closure Application No. RCL00024 and Road Closure Application No. RCL00025 (Bylaw No. 9428, 2023)" (Considered at the September 25, 2023 regular Council meeting);
  • Location Map;
  • Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9428; and
  • Exhibit "A" - Proposed Consolidation Plan.

City of Prince George Road Closure Bylaw No. 9428, 2023


    That Council GIVES THIRD READING of “City of Prince George Road Closure Bylaw No. 9428, 2023”.

Applicant: Canna Northwest Enterprise for Blanleil Cranbrook Holdings Ltd., Inc No. BC0826729
Location: 2591 Vance Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100795 (Bylaw No. 9427)" include:

  • Staff report dated September 20, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100795 (Bylaw No. 9427)";
  • Location and Zoning Map;
  • Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9427; and
  • Supporting Document.

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9427, 2023


    That Council GIVES FIRST AND SECOND READING of “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9427, 2023”.

Applicant: Kal Panaich for 1069961 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. BC1069961
Location: 457 - 473 3rd Avenue

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Temporary Use Permit Application No. TU000083" include:

  • Staff report dated September 20, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Temporary Use Permit Application No. TU000083";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Temporary Use Permit No. TU000083;
  • Exhibit "A" to TU000083; and
  • Supporting Document.

    That Council APPROVES Temporary Use Permit No. TU000083 for the property legally described as Parcel A (Plan 30868), Block 141, District Lot 343, Cariboo District, Plan 1268.

Applicant: SmartCentres for First Prince George Developments Limited, Inc. No. A56164
Location: 5900 Southridge Avenue

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100628" include:

  • Staff report dated September 20, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100628";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Development Variance Permit No. VP100628;
  • Exhibit "A" to VP100628;
  • Exhibit "B" to VP100628; and
  • Exhibit "C" to VP100628.

Correspondence for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100628" include:

  • Correspondence dated October 6, 2023 from Bonnie Hooge in opposition to the application.

    That Council APPROVES Development Variance Permit No. VP100628 to vary “City of Prince George Sign Bylaw No. 7202, 2001” for the property legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 2003, Cariboo District, Plan BCP3565 as follows:

    1. Vary Table 3A by increasing the maximum height of a freestanding sign from 9.0 m to 14.6 m, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100628; and
    2. Vary Table 3A by increasing the maximum area of a freestanding sign from 15.0 m2 to 42.5 m2, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100628.

Applicant: Eddie Green for 302163 Saskatchewan Ltd., Inc. No. A0072528
Location: 1975 Robertson Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100643" include:

  • Staff report dated September 20, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100643";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Development Variance Permit No. VP100643;
  • Exhibit "A" to VP100643;
  • Exhibit "B" to VP100643; and
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Rationale Letter and Photos; and
    • Letters of Support and Associated Map.

    That Council APPROVES Development Variance Permit No. VP100643 to vary “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007” for Lot B, District Lot 2508, Cariboo District, Plan PGP40603, as follows:

    1. Vary Section 12.1.6 3. to decrease the minimum front yard setback from 3.0 m to 1.8 m, as shown on Exhibits “A” and “B” to VP100643. 

Applicant: Cypress Land Services Inc. for Rogers Communications Inc.
Location: 8266 Domagala Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Request for Concurrence - Proposed Rogers Wireless Communications Facility (W6473)" include:

  • Staff report dated September 20, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Request for Concurrence - Proposed Rogers Wireless Communications Facility (W6473)";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map; and
  • Public Consultation Package.

    That Council INSTRUCTS the Corporate Officer to advise Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada in writing that:

    1. Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the City of Prince George;
    2. The City of Prince George is satisfied with Rogers public consultation process and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
    3. The City of Prince George concurs with Rogers proposal to construct a wireless communications facility provided it be constructed substantially in accordance with the plans submitted to the City of Prince George for a 53.0 metres self-supported tower and ancillary equipment at 8266 Domagala Road (Lot B, District Lot 2424, Cariboo District, Plan 32043).

    That the City of Prince George SUPPORTS the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) grant application from the Northern Community Counselling Centre Society in the amount of $100,000 a year for three years, for a total of up to $300,000 in order to support the Centre's program and capacity expansion from NDIT's Northern Healthy Communities Fund.

  1. Information from Administration
  2. Presentation by Applicant
  3. Representations by Members of the Public (Gallery and Phone)
  4. Closure of Hearing
  5. Third Reading of Bylaw(s) (if appropriate)

Applicant: 446065 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. 446065
Location: 145 Brunswick Street

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100192 (Bylaw No. 9341) and Rezoning Amendment Application No. RZ100746 (Bylaw No. 9342)" include:

  • Staff report dated September 20, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Consultation for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100192 (Bylaw No. 9341, 2022);
  • Distribution Area Map (Exhibit "A" To CP100192);
  • Request for Comment Letter;
  • Facebook Notice;
  • Landscaping and Parking Plan; and
  • Traffic Impact Analysis;
  • Previously submitted staff report dated October 26, 2022 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100192 (Bylaw No. 9341) and Rezoning Amendment Application No. RZ100746 (Bylaw No. 9342)" (Considered at the December 5, 2022 regular council meeting);
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9341;
  • Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9342;
  • Exhibit "A" to Application No. CP100192; and
  • Supporting Documents.

City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9341, 2022

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9342, 2022


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated September 20, 2023, from the Director of Planning and Development, titled “Consultation for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100192 (Amendment Bylaw No. 9341, 2022)”.


    That Council CONSIDERS THIRD READING of “City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9341, 2022”.


    That Council CONSIDERS THIRD READING of “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9342, 2022”.


    That there being no further business the Regular Meeting of Council, BE ADJOURNED.

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