Be it resolved that:
1. Council supports the change to the existing Liquor Primary License for an extension of hours for liquor service (Monday through Sunday between 9:00 am to 2:00 am) for the Alder Hills Golf Course located at 6011 Giscome Road for the following reasons:
This application is not expected to have a negative impact on the community or produce any significant negative land use impacts on adjacent properties.
2. Council’s comments on the prescribed considerations are as set out in the January 16, 2020 staff report from Ian Wells, General Manager of Planning and Development, for Liquor Licence Application No. LL100168.
3. The methods used to gather the views of residents are as follows:
The views of potentially affected property owners were collected in a Public Hearing held on February 24, 2020 in Council Chambers. The public notice for this hearing included 1) a sign was posted on the property ten (10) days prior to the hearing, 2) written notification to owners and tenants in occupation of all parcels within the area that was the subject of the application, and within a distance of 30 metres from the land that was the subject of this application ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and 3) advertisements were placed in two (2) consecutive issues of a newspaper, not less than three (3) and not more than ten (10) days before the hearing.
The views of affected property owners are as summarized in the minutes of the Public Hearing held on February 24, 2020.