REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGAMENDED AGENDAWednesday, August 16, 2023 at 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Council Chambers of City Hall1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BCWe respectfully acknowledge the unceded ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh, on whose land we live, work, and play.A.ADOPTION OF THE AMENDED AGENDA RECOMMENDATION:That the agenda for the regular meeting of Council scheduled for August 16, 2023, be amended by adding two (2) new items of correspondence as agenda items G.4 and G.5, and that the agenda, BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED.B.MINUTES B.1Adoption of the Regular Council Meeting Minutes - July 24, 2023 1.Report_to_Council_-_Adoption_of_the_Regular_Council_Meeting_2023-07-24.pdf2.Minutes_-_Regular_Council_Meeting_2023-07-24.pdf3.Voting_Summary_-_Regular_Council_Meeting_2023-07-24.pdfRECOMMENDATION:That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held July 24, 2023, BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at that meeting and fully and properly record all of the resolutions passed by Council at that meeting.C.DELEGATION(S) C.1Rocky Mountain Ranger Regimental Association (PG Branch) 1.Delegation Request_RMR_Redacted.pdf2.RMRANG_CPG_Presentation_Intro_2023 F (002).pdfPresenters: Lieutenant-Colonel Amedeo Vecchio and Captain Eric Depenau, Serving Members, Rocky Mountain Rangers; Dan McLaren and Harvey Smerychynski, Prince George Branch, Rocky Mountain Rangers AssociationTopic: Update on the State of the Rocky Mountain RangersD.CONSENT AGENDA (FOR INFORMATION) D.1Monthly Building Permit and Development Permit Summary (June & July 2023) 1.2023_Building_Permit_Stats_June_July_.pdf2.STATS_-_Building_Permit_Report_to_Council_-_June_2023.pdf3.STATS_-_Building_Permit_Report_to_Council_-_July_2023.pdfRECOMMENDATION:That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated August 3, 2023, from the Director of Planning and Development titled “Monthly Building Permit and Development Permit Summary (June & July 2023)”.E.REPORTS MAYOR SIMON YUE.1Amending Public Notice Bylaw No. 9329, 2022 1.Mayor_Report_to_Council_-_Amendment_to_the_Public_Notice_Bylaw.pdfRECOMMENDATION:That Council DIRECTS Administration to return for Council’s consideration an amendment to the “City of Prince George Public Notice Bylaw No. 9329, 2022” that includes “local newspaper” as a required means of publication for City of Prince George public notices in addition to the existing means of “Public Notice Page” and “Facebook Page.”CITY MANAGER - WALTER BABICZE.2Support of Grant Application to Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Community to Community Program 1.Staff_Report_to_Council_August_28_2023_Resolution_of_Support_for_UBCM_Community_to_Community_Program_application.pdf2.Correspondence_-_RDFFG_to_CPF_regarding_C2C_Program_Grant_Application.pdfRECOMMENDATION:That Council SUPPORTS an application being submitted by the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George under the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) 2023 Regional Community to Community (C2C) Program in the amount of $10,000 to initiate implementation of two C2C forums between the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, City of Prince George and Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, and CONFIRMS that the City of Prince George will participate in the two planned C2C forums.DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - DEANNA WASNIKE.3Advisory Committee on Development Design – 2023 Membership 1.2023_Advisory_Committee_on_Development_Design_Report_to_Council.pdfRECOMMENDATION:That Council APPROVES the dissolution of the Advisory Committee on Development Design as outlined in the report dated August 2, 2023, from the Director of Planning and Development titled “Advisory Committee on Development Design – 2023 Membership.”E.4Amendment to the "City of Prince George Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 8618, 2014" (Bylaw No. 9397, 2023) 1.2023_BL9397_Report_to_Council.pdf2.2023_Exhibit_A_to_Bylaw_No__9397__2023.pdf3.BL9397_Original.pdfCity of Prince George Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 8618, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 9397, 2023RECOMMENDATION:That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 8618, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 9397, 2023”.E.5City of Prince George Development Procedures Bylaw No. 9423, 2023 and Consequential Amendments to the Sign Bylaw No. 7202, 2022 (Amendment Bylaw No. 9424, 2023) and Building Bylaw No. 8922, 2018 (Amendment Bylaw No. 9425, 2023) 1.2023_Development_Procedures_Bylaw_Report_to_Council.pdf2.BL7635_BYLAW_CONSOLIDATED-JANUARY_2020.pdf3.2023_Exhibit_A_to_Bylaw_No_9424_2023.pdf4.2023_Exhibit_A_to_Bylaw_No__9425.pdf5.BL9423_Original.pdf6.BL9424_Original.pdf7.BL9425_Original.pdfCity of Prince George Development Procedures Bylaw No. 9423, 2023City of Prince George Sign Bylaw No. 7202, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 9424, 2023City of Prince George Building Bylaw No. 8922, 2018, Amendment Bylaw No. 9425, 2023RECOMMENDATION:That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Development Procedures Bylaw No. 9423, 2023."RECOMMENDATION:That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Sign Bylaw No. 7202, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 9424, 2023."RECOMMENDATION:That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Building Bylaw No. 8922, 2018, Amendment Bylaw No. 9425, 2023."DIRECTOR OF CIVIC OPERATIONS - BLAKE MCINTOSHE.6Foothills Boulevard - 18th Avenue Roundabout Project 1.Foothills_Blvd_18th_Ave_Roundabout_Project.pdf2.UNBC_Connector_Trail_Parking_lot_-_C203_.pdfRECOMMENDATION:That Council APPROVES the change in scope for the Foothills Blvd 18th Ave Roundabout Project as described in the report dated August 1, 2023 from the Director of Civic Operations titled “Foothills Blvd 18th Ave Roundabout Project."DIRECTOR OF CIVIC FACILITIES AND EVENTS - ANDY BEESLEYE.7Tire Stewardship BC Grant for Funding Towards the KIN 3 Arena Skate Floor Replacement 1.2023_Report_to_Council_GRANT_TSBC__-_KIN_3_Replace_Skate_Floor_BU_115485_Q-.pdfRECOMMENDATION:That Council AUTHORIZES the Director of Civic Facilities and Events to sign an agreement if successful on obtaining a grant of $30,000 from Tire Stewardship BC, as detailed in the report dated August 3, 2023 from the Director of Civic Facilities and Events titled “Tire Stewardship BC Grant for funding towards the KIN 3 Arena Skate Floor Replacement.”F.BYLAWS - FINAL READING AND ADOPTION F.1City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9334, 2022 1.BL9334_Original.pdfApplicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. on behalf of Ellora Enterprises Ltd., Inc. No. 132652Location: 4443 and 4505 Ospika BoulevardRECOMMENDATION:That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9334, 2022."F.2City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9335, 2022 1.BL9335_Cert_from_MOTI.pdfApplicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. on behalf of Ellora Enterprises Ltd., Inc. No. 132652Location: 4443 and 4505 Ospika BoulevardRECOMMENDATION:That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9335, 2022."F.3City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9312, 2022 1.BL9312_Original.pdfApplicant: Mokammel Chowdhary for 0902613 BC Ltd., Inc. No. BC0902613Location: 2414 QueenswayRECOMMENDATION:That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9312, 2022."G.CORRESPONDENCE G.1Correspondence dated July 14, 2023 from Jim Burbee, Director, Caledonia Nordic Ski Club: Request for a Letter in Support of an Expansion Application to the Provincial Government 1.Corres_CNSC - CPG request for letter of support.pdfG.2Correspondence dated July 26, 2023 from Councillor Jen Ford, President, Union of BC Municipalities: Canada Community-Building Fund - First Community Works Fund Payment for 2023/2024 1.Corrs_Letter_from_UBCM_Canada_Community_Building_Fund_BC_re_first_community_works_fund_payment_for_2023-2024.pdfG.3Correspondence dated July 31, 2023 from Leonard Hiebert, Chair, Peace River Regional District: BC Wildfire Service Fire Fighting Equipment 1.Request for Support Ltr Re Wild Fire Equipment.pdfG.4Correspondence dated August 14, 2023 from Michelle Connolly: Caledonia Nordic Ski Club Request for Letter of Support from the City of Prince George 1.Handout 1 - Connolly Letter to Mayor and Council 2023-08-14.pdfG.5Correspondence dated August 14, 2023 from Loraine Lavallee: Caledonia Nordic Ski Club request for a Letter of Support to Expand its License of Occupation 1.Handout 2 - Lavallee Letter to Mayor and Council re Caledonia Nordic.pdfH.ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION:That there being no further business the Regular Meeting of Council, BE ADJOURNED.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.BL9334_Original.pdf1.BL9335_Cert_from_MOTI.pdf1.Report_to_Council_-_Adoption_of_the_Regular_Council_Meeting_2023-07-24.pdf2.Minutes_-_Regular_Council_Meeting_2023-07-24.pdf3.Voting_Summary_-_Regular_Council_Meeting_2023-07-24.pdf1.Delegation Request_RMR_Redacted.pdf2.RMRANG_CPG_Presentation_Intro_2023 F (002).pdf1.Foothills_Blvd_18th_Ave_Roundabout_Project.pdf2.UNBC_Connector_Trail_Parking_lot_-_C203_.pdf1.2023_Report_to_Council_GRANT_TSBC__-_KIN_3_Replace_Skate_Floor_BU_115485_Q-.pdf1.Corrs_Letter_from_UBCM_Canada_Community_Building_Fund_BC_re_first_community_works_fund_payment_for_2023-2024.pdf1.Request for Support Ltr Re Wild Fire Equipment.pdf1.BL9312_Original.pdf1.2023_BL9397_Report_to_Council.pdf2.2023_Exhibit_A_to_Bylaw_No__9397__2023.pdf3.BL9397_Original.pdf1.2023_Development_Procedures_Bylaw_Report_to_Council.pdf2.BL7635_BYLAW_CONSOLIDATED-JANUARY_2020.pdf3.2023_Exhibit_A_to_Bylaw_No_9424_2023.pdf4.2023_Exhibit_A_to_Bylaw_No__9425.pdf5.BL9423_Original.pdf6.BL9424_Original.pdf7.BL9425_Original.pdf1.Staff_Report_to_Council_August_28_2023_Resolution_of_Support_for_UBCM_Community_to_Community_Program_application.pdf2.Correspondence_-_RDFFG_to_CPF_regarding_C2C_Program_Grant_Application.pdf1.Handout 1 - Connolly Letter to Mayor and Council 2023-08-14.pdf1.Handout 2 - Lavallee Letter to Mayor and Council re Caledonia Nordic.pdf1.2023_Building_Permit_Stats_June_July_.pdf2.STATS_-_Building_Permit_Report_to_Council_-_June_2023.pdf3.STATS_-_Building_Permit_Report_to_Council_-_July_2023.pdf1.Mayor_Report_to_Council_-_Amendment_to_the_Public_Notice_Bylaw.pdf1.2023_Advisory_Committee_on_Development_Design_Report_to_Council.pdf1.Corres_CNSC - CPG request for letter of support.pdf