Council Chambers of City Hall
1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC

We respectfully acknowledge the unceded ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh,
on whose land we live, work, and play.


    That the agenda for the regular meeting of Council scheduled for August 28, 2023, be amended by adding one (1) new item of correspondence as agenda item F.4, and that the agenda, BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED.


    That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held August 16, 2023, BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at that meeting and fully and properly record all of the resolutions passed by Council at that meeting.


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated July 24, 2023 from Mayor Simon Yu titled “Q2 2023 (April to June) Council Expense Summary.”


City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 9420, 2023


    That Council GRANTS FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 9420, 2023”.


Applicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. for Giuliu Investments Ltd., Inc. No. BC0660654
Location: 9800 Sintich Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100792 (Bylaw No. 9417, 2023)" include:

  • Staff report dated August 2, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100792 (Bylaw No. 9417, 2023)";
  • Location and Zoning Map; and
  • Exhibit "A" to RZ100792.

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9417, 2023


    That Council GIVES FIRST AND SECOND READING of “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9417, 2023”.

Applicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. for 1127415 BC Ltd., Inc. No. BC1127415
Location: 9048 Sintich Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100647" include:

  • Staff report dated July 13, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100647";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Development Variance Permit No. VP100647; and
  • Exhibit "A" to VP100647.

    That Council APPROVES Development Variance Permit No. VP100647 to vary “City of Prince George Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 8618, 2014” for the property legally described Lot 1, District Lot 751, Cariboo District, Plan 14660, Except Plan 22376 (012-138-401) as follows:

    1. Vary Table 1 Section 7.4 by varying the requirement for City sewage collection and disposal system including service laterals to Proposed Lot 2 to allow for an on-site private sewage disposal system, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100647. 

Applicant: Ronald and Wendolynn Reimer
Location: 2816 Killarney Drive

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100649" include:

  • Staff report dated August 2, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100649";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Development Variance Permit No. VP100649;
  • Exhibit "A" to VP100649; and
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Rationale Letter; and
    • Letters of Support and Associated Map.

    That Council APPROVES Development Variance Permit No. VP100649 to vary “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007” for the subject property legally described as Lot 129, District Lot 4046, Cariboo District, Plan 21748 as follows:

    1. Vary Section 10.1.5 7. by decreasing the minimum rear yard setback of the principal development from 6.0 m to 4.5 m, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100649. 

Applicant: JR & Sons Enterprises Ltd. for Russell and Maria Crick
Location: 2438 Estate Road

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100652" include:

  • Staff report dated August 2, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Development Variance Permit Application No. VP100652";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Development Variance Permit No. VP100652;
  • Exhibit "A" to VP100652; and
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Rationale Letter; and
    • Letters of Support and Associated Map.

    That Council DENIES Development Variance Permit No. VP100652 to vary “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007” for the subject property legally described as Parcel B (Being a Consolidation of Lots 45 and 46, See BB1003258), District Lot 808, Cariboo District, Plan 20832 as follows:

    1. Vary Section 9.5.6 1. by increasing the maximum total combined gross floor area of accessory buildings and structures on a site from 90.0 m2 to 147.0 m2, as shown on Exhibit “A” to VP100652.

Applicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. for 0920418 BC Ltd. Inc. No. BC1233971
Location:  4393 Handlen Road


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9398, 2023."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 8618, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 9397, 2023."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Development Procedures Bylaw No. 9423, 2023."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Sign Bylaw No. 7202, 2001, Amendment Bylaw No. 9424, 2023."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Building Bylaw No. 8922, 2018, Amendment Bylaw No. 9425, 2023."

  1. Information from Administration
  2. Presentation by Applicant
  3. Representations by Members of the Public (Gallery and Phone)
  4. Closure of Hearing
  5. Third Reading of Bylaw(s) (if appropriate)

Note: During the Public Hearing regarding agenda Item G.1 - "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100790 (Bylaw No. 9414)", members of the public will have the opportunity to comment on and/or present written submissions regarding Agenda Item G.1.1 - "Cannabis License Application No. CN00022" which will be considered immediately following Agenda Item G.1.

Once the public hearing is closed following agenda item G.1, no further submissions can be considered by Council.

Applicant: Thrive Liquor & Cannabis Advisors for 1357837 BC Ltd., Inc. No. BC1357837
Location: 2270 - 2302 Hart Highway

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100790 (Bylaw No. 9414)" include:

  • Previously submitted staff report dated June 15, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100790 (Bylaw No. 9414)" (Considered at the July 10, 2023 Council Meeting);
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Appendix “A” to Bylaw No. 9414; and
  • Supporting Document.

Correspondence for Council's consideration regarding "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100790 (Bylaw No. 9414)" include:

  • Correspondence dated August 21, 2023 from Rebecca Hardin, Liquor & Cannabis Advisor, Thrive Advisors (Applicant) including 97 letters in support of the application.

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9414, 2023


    That Council GIVES THIRD READING of “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9414, 2023”. 

Applicant: Thrive Liquor & Cannabis Advisors for 1357837 BC Ltd., Inc. No. BC1357837
Location:  2280 Hart Highway

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Cannabis Licence Application No. CN000022" include:

  • Staff report dated August 2, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Cannabis Licence Application No. CN000022";
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch Approval; and
  • Supporting Document.

Correspondence for Council's consideration regarding "Cannabis Licence Application No. CN000022" include:

  • Correspondence dated August 21, 2023 from Rebecca Hardin, Liquor & Cannabis Advisor, Thrive Advisors (Applicant) including 97 letters in support of the application.

    That Council: 

    1. CONFIRMS that its comments on the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch’s prescribed considerations are as set out in the report dated August 2, 2023, from Deanna Wasnik, Director of Planning and Development for Cannabis License Application No. CN000022;
    2. CONFIRMS the methods used to gather the views of potentially affected property owners are in accordance with Section 4: Statutory Notification and Public Consultation of the City of Prince George Liquor and Cannabis Licensing Policy and that the views of affected residents are as summarized in the minutes of the Public Hearing held on August 28, 2023; and
    3. SUPPORTS the approval of the Cannabis License to allow “Retail, Cannabis” for 1357837 BC Ltd., Inc. No. BC1357837 located at 2280 Hart Highway, subject to the adoption of “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9414, 2023”, for the following reasons:

    This application is not expected to have a negative impact on the community or produce any significant negative land use impacts on adjacent properties.

Applicant: City of Prince George
Location: 2021 Foothills Boulevard

Documents for Council's consideration regarding "Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100193 (Bylaw No. 9356) and Rezoning Amendment Application No. RZ100769 (Bylaw No. 9357)" include:

  • Staff report dated August 1, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Consultation for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100193 (Bylaw No. 9356, 2022);
  • Distribution Area Map (Exhibit "A" to CP100193);
  • Request for Comment Letter;
  • Public Notice;
  • Correspondence Received;
  • Previously submitted staff report dated January 17, 2023 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100193 (Bylaw No. 9356) and Rezoning Amendment Application No. RZ100769 (Bylaw No. 9357)" (Considered at the February 6, 2023 Council Meeting);
  • Location and Existing Zoning Map;
  • Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9356;
  • Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9357; and
  • Exhibit "A" to CP100193.

Correspondence for Council's consideration regarding "Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100193 (Bylaw No. 9356) and Rezoning Amendment Application No. RZ100769 (Bylaw No. 9357)" include:

  • Correspondence dated August 21, 2023 from Eunice Crossley in support of the application;
  • Correspondence dated August 21, 2023 from Jacqueline Trudel in support of the application;
  • Correspondence dated August 22, 2023 from Brad Douglas in support of the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence date August 22, 2023 from Cindy White in support of the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated August 23, 2023 from Kathleen Haines in support of the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated August 23, 2023 from Veronica Henkel in support of the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated August 23, 2023 from Gillian Recknell in support of the application;
  • Handout: Correspondence dated August 24, 2023 from John Huybers in support of the application; and
  • Handout: Correspondence dated August 24, 2023 from Jamie Philcox in support of the application.

City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9356, 2022

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9357, 2022


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated August 1, 2023, from the Director of Planning and Development, titled “Consultation for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100193 (Bylaw No. 9356, 2022)”.


    That Council GIVES THIRD READING to “City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9356, 2022.”


    That Council GIVES THIRD READING to “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9357, 2022. 


    That there being no further business the Regular Meeting of Council, BE ADJOURNED.

No Item Selected