Mr. Tristin Deveau, Planner, City of Prince George, Ms. Ashley Thandi, Planner, Mr. Terry Fjellstrom, President, and Mr. Jason Boyes, Engineer, L&M Engineering Ltd., attended Centre Table and provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of the application including information on the process, an overview of the Official Community Plan amendment bylaw, and information regarding the proposed North Nechako Neighbourhood Plan.
Discussion commenced and Mr. Fjellstrom responded to questions of Council.
Mr. Tony Docanto attended Centre Table and spoke in opposition to the application noting concerns for disruption of the wildlife corridor and an increase in traffic onto North Nechako Road.
Ms. Thandi, Mr. Deveau, and Mr. Fjellstrom responded to questions of Council.
Discussion commenced and I. Wells, General Manager of Planning and Development, responded to questions of Council.