Council Chambers of City Hall
1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC

We respectfully acknowledge the unceded ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh,
on whose land we live, work, and play.


    That the agenda for the regular meeting of Council scheduled for December 2, 2024, BE ADOPTED.


    That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held November 18, 2024, BE ADOPTED as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at that meeting and fully and properly record all of the resolutions passed by Council at that meeting.

Presenters: Manaaim Somani, Director of Operations, and Fouad Agha, Director of Placements
Topic: City of Prince George Youth Council


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated November 13, 2024, from the Director of Planning and Development titled “City of Prince George Interim Housing Needs Report".


    That Council DIRECTS Administration to prepare a report for council by Q3 2025 that updates the costing of recommendations from the 2019 staff report entitled "Downtown Public Washroom access" recommendations in particular:

    1. Option 2. Enhance access to washrooms located in selected downtown service provider locations by providing funding to enable dedicated monitoring services. Recommended sites would include Saint Vincent de Paul, Positive Living North (Firepit), and AWAC. Service providers would continue to cover all operating and maintenance costs. Currently, washrooms at these locations are available for use. However, access is often dependent upon the ability of staff to effectively monitor use. The small one time grant is intended to offset costs associated with the placement of a monitor during peak access hours. Agencies would be encouraged to utilize a client/peer employment model.
    2. Option 1: Open the washrooms at the Canada Games Plaza from 7 am to 11 pm daily with an experienced and skilled monitor on-site during operating hours. It is recommended that this option operate as a pilot during the period June 15 - October 1. CPG custodial staff would provide daily cleaning services.

    And highlights what public washroom facilities are currently available in Downtown Prince George and where possible the report compares public washroom availability with our comparable municipalities in BC as well as Grande Prairie and Edmonton.


    That council DIRECTS staff to build a question or option in appropriate future surveys about public washroom access to determine need and demand.


    That Council DIRECTS Administration to explore grant opportunities to expand safe public washroom access in City of Prince George including enhancing washroom upgrades for year round access.


    That Council REFERS to the Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs to develop an advocacy plan to lobby both the Provincial and Federal Government for increased capital funding to communities to ensure safe and clean access to washrooms for all residents.


    That City Council APPROVES up to $5,000 from the council contingency budget in support of the upcoming Northern Angel Investment Summit.


    That Council APPROVES the draft updated Strategic Plan attached to the report dated November 26, 2024 from the City Manager, titled “Strategic Plan Update”.


    That Council SUPPORTS Administration’s application to the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) for a grant of up to $500,000 to support the analysis of economic feasibility and potential benefit of establishing a life sciences sector in Prince George and AUTHORIZES the Director of Planning and Development to sign any necessary funding agreements.

Applicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. for Datoff Bros. Construction Ltd., Inc. No. BC0411936
Location: 2819 Redfield Place

Documents for Council's consideration of "Section 219 Covenant Application No. RC000029 (Bylaw No. 9498)" include:

  1. Staff report dated November 13, 2024 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Section 219 Covenant Application No. RC000029 (Bylaw No. 9498)";
    1. Location and Zoning Map;
    2. Section 219 Restrictive Covenant (Land Title Office Document No. CA3840299); and
    3. Trip Generation Letter.

City of Prince George Restrictive Covenant Modification Bylaw No. 9498, 2024


    That Council GIVES FIRST AND SECOND READING of “City of Prince George Restrictive Covenant Modification Bylaw No. 9498, 2024” to amend Section 219 Covenant registered as Land Title Office Document No. CA3840299 on Lot 6, District Lot 4377, Cariboo District, Plan EPP56990. 

Applicant: Gurpreet Kaur Kaila and Jagdev Singh Kaila
Location: 2785-2783 Vance Road

Documents for Council's consideration of "Section 219 Covenant Application No. RC000031 (Bylaw No. 9516)" include:

  1. Staff report dated October 31, 2024 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Section 219 Covenant Application No. RC000031 (Bylaw No. 9516)";
    1. Location and Existing Zoning Map; and
    2. Section 219 Restrictive Covenant (Land Title Office Document No. CB374247).

City of Prince George Restrictive Covenant Modification Bylaw No. 9516, 2024


    That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Restrictive Covenant Modification Bylaw No. 9516, 2024” to amend Section 219 Covenant registered as Land Title Office Document No. CB374247 on Lot 5, District Lot 753, Cariboo District, Plan 8870.

Applicant: McElhanney Associates Land Surveying Ltd. for 0751823 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. 751832
Location: 7277 Bear Road

Documents for Council's consideration of "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100791 (Bylaw No. 9515, 2024)" include:

  1. Staff report dated November 13, 2024 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100791 (Bylaw No. 9515, 2024)";
    1. Location and Existing Zoning Map;
    2. Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9515;
    3. Conceptual Site Layout; and
    4. Rationale Letter;
  2. Correspondence dated November 22, 2024 from Ian Gardner in opposition to the application;
  3. Correspondence dated November 23, 2024 from Alyssa Skov in opposition to the application; and
  4. Correspondence dated November 26, 2024 from Megan Macinnes in opposition to the application.

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9515, 2024


    That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9515, 2024”.


    That Council PERMITS that consideration of Final Reading of proposed Bylaw No. 9515, 2024 BE WITHHELD until the following requirements have been met to the satisfaction of Administration:

    1. Receipt of a Traffic Summary;
    2. Receipt of a Servicing Brief;
    3. Registration of a Section 219 Covenant on the legal title of the property described at the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of District Lot 1599, Cariboo District, Except Plans H705, 22760, PGP35931 and EPP64091 that Restricts development or alteration of the portion of land zoned as AG: Greenbelt located east of Highway 16 W, as shown on Appendix “A” to Bylaw No. 9515, 2024.

    In addition, any recommendations presented in the preceding items must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development.

Applicant: Ben Berland of Carrier Sekani Family Services Society Inc. No. S0026553
Location: 964 and 970 4th Avenue

Documents for Council's consideration of "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100821 (Bylaw No. 9489)" include:

  1. Staff report dated November 10, 2024 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100821 (Bylaw No. 9489)";
    1. Location and Existing Zoning Map; and
    2. Exhibit "A" to Bylaw No. 9489.

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9489, 2024


    That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9489, 2024."


    That Council APPROVE the addition of the capital project “Unit 8312 Motor Grader” to the financial plan for a budget of $227,500 with funding from the Mobile Equipment Reserve as detailed in the report dated November 22, 2024 from the Director of Civic Operations titled “Capital Budget Addition of Motor Grader to the City’s Fleet”.


City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 9522, 2024


    That Council GIVES FIRST THREE READINGS of “City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 9522, 2024”.


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the Certificate of Insufficiency attached as Appendix “B” to the report dated November 15, 2024 from the Manager of Legislative Services/Corporate Officer titled “City of Prince George Downtown Business Improvement Area Bylaw No. 9507, 2024.” 


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Downtown Business Improvement Area Bylaw No. 9507, 2024."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Council Procedures Bylaw No. 8388, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9494, 2024."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 7557, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 9506, 2024."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION of "City of Prince George Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 9429, 2023, Repeal Bylaw No. 9521, 2024."

  1. Information from Administration
  2. Presentation by Applicant
  3. Representations by Members of the Public (Gallery and Phone)
  4. Closure of Hearing
  5. Third Reading of Bylaw(s) (if appropriate)

Applicant: L&M Engineering Ltd. for Ridgecrest Development Group, Inc., Inc. No. BC1284633
Location: 8640 St. Lawrence Avenue and 2800 Vista Ridge Drive

Documents for Council's consideration of "Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment No. CP100205 (Bylaw No. 9445, 2024) and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100808 (Bylaw No. 9446, 2024)" include:

  1. Previously submitted staff report dated June 28, 2024 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment No. CP100205 (Bylaw No. 9445, 2024) and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application No. RZ100808 (Bylaw No. 9446, 2024)" (Considered at the July 22, 2024 regular council meeting);
    1. Location and Existing Zoning Map;
    2. Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9445;
    3. Appendix "A" to Bylaw No. 9446;
    4. Exhibit "A" to CP100205; and
    5. Supporting Documents.
  2. Previously submitted staff report dated September 9, 2024 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Consultation for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100205 (Bylaw No. 9445) (Considered at the September 25, 2024 regular council meeting);
    1. Exhibit "A" to CP100205;
    2. Facebook Post;
    3. Request for Comment Letter;
    4. Public Correspondence;
    5. Traffic Impact Study; and
    6. Servicing Brief.
  3. Staff report dated November 8, 2024 from the Director of Planning and Development titled "Information Report for Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Application No. CP100205 (Bylaw No. 9445)"; and
    1. Revised Traffic Impact Study.
  4. Portion of the September 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting minutes that pertains to the Public Hearing held during that meeting.

Correspondence received in response to the public notice regarding the public hearing scheduled on September 25, 2024 include:

  1. Presentation from L&M Engineering for Ridgecrest Development Group, Inc., Inc. No. BC1284633 in support of the application;
  2. Correspondence dated September 14, 2024 from Judy and Terry King in opposition to the application;
  3. Correspondence dated September 16, 2024 from Ashley Lozada noting concerns regarding the application;
  4. Correspondence dated September 18, 2024 from Lisa Sjostrom in opposition to the application; 
  5. Correspondence dated September 19, 2024 from Robyn and Ky Leischner in opposition to the application;
  6. Correspondence dated September 24, 2024 from Scott and Jennifer Goldie in opposition to the application; and
  7. Correspondence dated September 25, 2024 from Emily Budac in opposition to the application.

City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9445, 2024

City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9446, 2024


    That Council RECEIVES FOR INFORMATION the report dated November 8, 2024, from the Director of Planning and Development, titled “Information Report for Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. CP100205 (Bylaw No. 9445).”


    That Council GIVES THIRD READING of "City of Prince George Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8383, 2011, Amendment Bylaw No. 9445, 2024."


    That Council GIVES THIRD READING of "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9446, 2024."


    That there being no further business the Regular Meeting of Council, BE ADJOURNED.