Meeting #:
Council Chambers of City Hall
1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC


    That the agenda for the special meeting of Council scheduled for December 4, 2019, BE ADOPTED.

  • That the attached minutes of the regular Council meeting held November 18, 2019, be adopted as read on this day and that such minutes as read set out all of the business before Council at that meeting and fully and properly record all of the resolutions and bylaws passed and adopted by Council at that meeting.

  • That Council GRANTS FIRST AND SECOND READINGS to "City of Prince George Ross McBride Crescent Road Closure Bylaw No. 9060, 2019."

Applicant:  Bruce and Kathryn Kidd on behalf of Kidd Real Estate Holdings Ltd.
Location:  6934 Langer Crescent


    That Council GIVES FIRST and SECOND READINGS to "City of Prince George Zoning Bylaw No. 7850, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 9084, 2019."


    That Council PERMITS that consideration of Final Reading of proposed Bylaw No. 9084, 2019 BE WITHHELD until the following requirements have been met to the satisfaction of Administration:

    1. Registration of a Section 219 Covenant on the legal title of Lot 19, District Lot 4047, Cariboo District, Plan 19550 that restricts symmetrical facades for two-unit housing.
    2. Registration of a Section 219 Covenant on the legal title of Lot 19, District Lot 4047, Cariboo District, Plan 19550 that restricts secondary suites within two-unit housing.

    That Council APPROVES Administration to complete a funding request to Transport Canada for the deployment of a Bikeability Diagnostic Model for the City of Prince George.


    That Council AUTHORIZES the City's Financial Officer and General Manager of Engineering and Public Works to sign funding request documents and any contract documents should funding approval be received.

Applicant:  City of Prince George
Subject: 1357 PG Pulpmill Road

  • That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION to "City of Prince George 1357 PG Pulpmill Road, Road Closure Bylaw No. 9056, 2019."

Applicant:  City of Prince George
Location: 1288 PG Pulpmill Road

  • That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION to "City of Prince George 1288 PG Pulpmill Road Closure Bylaw No. 9069, 2019."

Subject: Amending text within the bylaw and repealing of "City of Prince George Commercial Vehicle Licensing Bylaw No. 7852, 2007."

  • That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION to "City of Prince George Parking and Traffic Bylaw No. 6056, 1993, Amendment Bylaw No. 9081, 2019."

Subject: Amendments to the text regarding the Bylaw Contraventions and Fines to "Schedule B - Bylaw Contraventions and Fines."


    That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION to "City of Prince George Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 8813, 2016, Amendment Bylaw No. 9089, 2019."

Subject: Amendments to the Annual Operating Agreement regarding Community, Custom and Conventional Transit Services from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020

  • That Council GRANTS FINAL READING AND ADOPTION to "Prince George Transit Service Annual Operating Agreement 2019/2020 Amendment No. 1 Authorization Bylaw No. 9092, 2019."


    That there being no further business the Special Meeting of Council, BE ADJOURNED.